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Susan DiGiacomo susan@hsjdbcn.org |
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Susan DiGiacomo
Susan M. DiGiacomo obtuvo el doctorado en Antropología en la Universidad de Massachusetts en Amherst (EE.UU.) en 1985, y ha hecho trabajo de campo etnográfico en Cataluña y Estados Unidos. Sus líneas de investigación actuales son: estudio cultural de la biomedicina y narrativas de la enfermedad; nacionalismo e ideología lingüística; autoetnografía; memoria histórica; antropología del trabajo profesional en la universidad contemporánea; y teoría de la traducción desde la etnografía.
Líneas de investigación
Líneas genéricas: antropología médica, antropología
Perfil técnico-metodológico: técnicas cualitativas (observación
participante, entrevistas en profundidad, relatos biográficos y autoetnografía),
análisis textual
Líneas de investigación complementarias: Nacionalismo y procesos
identitarios, Ideología lingüística, Planificación
y política lingüística, Estudios culturales de la biomedicina,
Antropologia del cuerpo, Autoetnografía y relatos biográficos,
Etnografía y teoría de la traducción, Memória histórica,
Violencia política, Antropología del trabajo académico
e industrial.
Intereses de área: Cataluña, Europa mediterránea, Estados
Artículos en revistas
DiGiacomo, Susan M. (2010), “‘Insider’ translation: An anthropologist
as translator of anthropology.” The Write Stuff: The Journal of the European
Medical Writers Association, 19(1) March, pp. 76-78. Enlace.
DiGiacomo, Susan M. (2010), “Quines veus del Pamano?” L’Avenç,
354 (febrer), pp. 12-13. Enlace.
DiGiacomo, Susan M. (2008), ‘Vicky Cristina Barcelona’ vista per
una antropòloga. Quaderns-e , revista electrònica de l’Institut
Català d’Antropologia. Núm. 11/2008. Leer on-line.
DiGiacomo, Susan (2008), “Re-presenting the Fascist Classroom: Education
as a Space of Memory in Contemporary Spain .” In Recasting Culture and
Space in Iberian Contexts . Sharon Roseman and Shawn Parkhurst, eds., pp. 103-128.
SUNY Press.Enlace
2010, Josep M. Comelles, "Forgotten Paths: Culture and Ethnicity in the
Mental Health Policies of Catalonia, Spain (1911-1939)." History of Psychiatry
21(4):406-423 (castellà-anglès).
2010, Josep M. Comelles, "Should Physicians and Psychiatrists Also Be Ethnographers?".
IN The Taste of Knowledge: Medical Anthropology Facing Medical Realities. Sylvie
Fainzang, Hans Einar Hem and Mette Bech Risør, eds. Pp. 27-40. Copenhagen,
Denmark: Aarhus University Press (català/castellà-anglès).
2010, Mabel Gracia-Arnaiz, "Fat bodies and thin bodies. Cultural, biomedical
and market discourses on obesity." Appetite. Vol. 55, no. 2 (October),
pp. 219-225 (castellà-anglès).
2009, Lina Casadó, "Identity, Emotions and the Language of the Body:
Readings and Meaning of Bodily Self-Harm in Young People." Medische Antropologie
21(1):75-92 (castellà-anglès).
2007, Josep Maria Comelles, "Feelings, Distance and Emotions in Medical
Practice." In Facing Distress: Distance and Proximity in Times of Illness.
Els van Dongen and Ruth Kutalek, eds. Pp. 117-148. Vienna: Lit Verlag (castellà/català-anglès).
2006, Oriol Pi-Sunyer, "Pròleg." Londres en guerra, 1939-1942.
Barcelona: Fundació Carles Pi i Sunyer (anglès-català).
Capítulos de libros
Di Giacomo, Susan (2010) Autobiografía crítica y teoría
antropológica. Reflexiones en torno a la enfermedad y la identidad cultural
y profesional. A: Antropología y enfermería. Tarragona: Publicacions
URV. Pp. 301-314. Enlace.
American Anthropological Association
Anthropology and International Health
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Digiacomo, Susan M. 1987. Biomedicine as a cultural system: An Anthropologist in the kingdom of the sick. IN Encounters with Biomedicine: Case Studies in Medical Anthropology. H. A. Baer, pp. 315-347. New York: Gordon and Breach.
2003 Social and Cultural Lives of Immune Systems (Editor). (Theory and Practice in Medical Anthropology; Susan DiGiacomo, editor). New York: Routledge.
Who was the best teacher you had in school growing up and why?
My thesis advisor, Susan DiGiacomo, at Middlebury was terrific. A thesis can
overwhelm you at times, and she was great at teaching me how to ration my time
between academics and athletics, which at a school as competitive as Middlebury,
can be challenging. I ended up getting 'highest honors' in Medical Anthropology,
and a majority of it was due to her efforts.
Terrorism and Spanish Democracy
by Susan DiGiacomo
A firsthand report from Barcelona about the ousting of the Partido Popular days after the March train bombing in Madrid.
MS. Immune Metaphors Our Bodyminds Live By? To appear in Social and Cultural Lives of Immune Systems, J.M. Wilce, ed. Pp. 107-153. Routledge (Medical Anthropology Series; Susan DiGiacomo, editor).
Comissió de la Dignitat Papers de Salamanca
DiGIACOMO, SUSAN M. (1987): “Biomedicine
as a Cultural
System: an Anthropologist in the Kingdom of the Sick”. En
Baer, Hans A. (ed.), Encounters with Biomedicine. Case stu -
dies in medical anthropology. Nueva York, Gordon & Breach,
(pp. 315-346).
Susan DiGiacomo provides a fascinating discussion of the contested
place of Catalan, both within Catalonia and in relation to the rest of
Spain, as seen in language debates surrounding the holding of the 1992
Olympics in Barcelona. She highlights here both the role and influence
of Catalan as a feature of Catalan nationalism within the wider Spanish
state and the equally nationalist positioning of centralist Spanish nationalists
who regard Castilian (Spanish) as the sole marker of Spanish
identity. In similar vein to Billig’s (1995) conception of ‘banal
she argues that while both nationalisms exhibit a degree of essentialism,
‘some essentialisms are more essentialized than others more
naturalized and thus less “marked” and problematic and this is
case with Spanish nationalism, because it possesses the state’ (p. 131).
From this, DiGiacomo also usefully critiques the differential apportionment
of status and value accorded to Catalan and Castilian as provincial
and ‘modern’, respectively a process clearly reflected in both
academic and media debates at the time. As she concludes: ‘It is the
ironic condition of stateless nations like Catalonia that the “imagined
community” … is always challenged, by putatively objective scholarship
as well as by the state and those who share its interests, as merely imaginary,
while the imagined community of state nationalism is treated as
objectively real, part of the natural order’ (p. 131).
Blommaert, Language Ideological Debates. Berlin: Mouton de
Gruyter, 1999, 447 pp.